Colne Valley Classic and Vintage Club
2024 CVCVC AGM – October 17th
Great Maplestead Village Hall – Starts at 7 for 7.30
You are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting.
For the last few years, we’ve included a free buffet which has been very popular and we’ve been delighted to host around 40 members and guests.
It’s evolved into a social occasion rather than just reviewing club business. There will also be a small selection of beers, wines and soft drinks available and you are welcome to offer a donation towards the cost of drinks.
After the buffet, there will be a brief amount of AGM business that will include a review of the club year for financials, membership, media and events.
All current club committee members are prepared to stand for re-election for the coming year but we are looking to the membership to help support us by considering joining the committee. This is your club and we would welcome any members to come along to the quarterly meetings and bring some new ideas to improve the club even more. You don’t have to take one of the organising roles, but just help in the shaping of your club. Please give this some thought before you come along.
There will also be an open forum after AGM business to discuss any feedback or suggestions that you have for the club.
To close the meeting, there will be the presentation of club trophies to this year’s worthy winners of the Car and Bike Show classes plus special awards to members who have made especially noteworthy contributions this year.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Thank you from your CVCVC Committee.